We went to Hot Spring in Tainan few years ago, and we had the Roasted Chicken in the Bucket as dinner with our friends. Steve said that was one of the best chicken he ever had. The problem is you don't really see Roasted Chicken in the Bucket very often in City, so we are quite excited to find out this new restaurant right down the street from our house has the Roasted Chicken in the Bucket!
(If you guys know anywhere else has yummy roasted chicken in the bucket, please comment below to let us know!)
We actually didn't end up ordering the roasted chicken in the bucket, because there were too many other dishes we would like to try. And we didn't think we would be able to finish the whole chicken with just three of us! Maybe next time..
<店家資訊 Store Information>
文。茶園 Tea Garden
地址 :830 高雄市鳳山區文龍東路723號
電話 :0901-160-860
營業時間:每日4PM ~ 2AM
消費方式 :現金
停車 :停車場(隔壁是自助洗車場,中間的空地都可以停車)
<Restaurant Information>
Tea Garden
Address:723, Wenlong East Road, Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City, 830
Hours:4PM ~ 2AM Daily
Accepting Payments:Cash Only
Parking:Parking space right next to the restaurant. (The empty land in between the restaurant and the self car wash place.)
Please go "like" our facebook fan page by using the following link.
以前這條路上都沒有什麼東西,這一年來開了好多新的餐廳, 餐廳招牌很明顯,你不會錯過的!
We are so happy to find out this place, this street has no store before.
But in the past year, there are lots of restaurants open up.
You can tell the "Wen-Shan District" in Fengshan is expending.
Tea Garden's sign is slightly tilted, so you can easily locate
the restaurant driving down this street. |
文。茶園採取半戶外的用餐方式,讓有抽煙或喜歡戶外的客人可以在戶外用餐, 當然高雄的夏天真的不是開玩笑的,我們真的不想要汗流浹背吃晚餐或被蚊子叮的可能, 所以那天我們決定於室內用餐,室內有冷氣喔!
The restaurant offers lot of outdoor seating,
I think it would be great for fall or winter time in Kaohsiung.
But don't worry, they are also offering the indoor seating with AC!! |
We saw so many Roasted Chickens in the Bucket when we walked in.
The Roasted Chicken in the Bucket is made from the order,
so they customer might need to wait for around half hour for the chicken. |
室內座位比較屬於正常餐桌的高度, 外面的座位比較類似庭院/咖啡廳座椅,比較低!
I like the fact that all the settings, including both indoor and outdoor,
have lots of space in between.
We both really appreciated restaurants that offer spaces to customers. |
我們被安排在角邊的木形長桌,像這種以分享食物為主的店家, 這種桌子比較不適合,細長的一邊幾乎沒有辦法擺東西, 所以才三個人一起用餐的我們選擇在比較寬的這邊吃飯!
Since we didn't make reservation that day,
we got seated in corner of the restaurant.
To be honest, I didn't really like this table and
the lighting at the corner wasn't good.
Don't get me wrong, it looks cool, but just not very functional.
We really couldn't put anything at the narrow side of the table,
so we had to all seat in the wide side of the table.
It works out... I guess. |
Tea Garden offers quite a few selections on their menu,
including grilled, fried, stir-fried, they got it all. |
We got here kind of early, and that's why we are able to get a table.
As soon as we placed the order, most tables are already filled.
If you are going to come during the weekend,
probably better to make a reservation ahead of the time. |
雖然是鐵皮屋,但是有一種工業風格的感覺, 室內餐廳一角還有乾燥花從天花板垂下來!
The restaurant has some industrial style going on. |
餐廳有提供兒童座椅,如果有點到鍋物, 店家會提供一個移動式的瓦斯爐,可以保持火鍋的溫度,還可以加湯哦! 我們吃飯的那天,真的有夠熱,所以就沒有點到火鍋,下次要來試試看。
Tea Garden is also a child friendly restaurant,
it provides child seats.
If you order hot pot, it comes with the gas tank
in order to keep the pot warm throughout the dinner. |
No Tips in Tea Garden, that also mean everything is self-serve!! |
Restroom is right next to the cashier/bar outdoor.
Pretty clean and big. |
干貝蟹肉烘蛋 $200
Scallop & Crab Frittata $200 NTD (about $6.75 USD) 因為看到九層塔烘蛋就要$150,那乾脆點這道試試看,是真的用新鮮干貝, 蟹肉則是魚漿蟹肉,會煮菜的人都知道,烘蛋用超多油的, 但是難得出來吃飯,不要想那麼多了!哈哈!
Steve falls in love with Seafood when we moved to Taiwan,
so ordering seafood based frittata is an obviously choice. |
用料很豐富,好吃,但是並沒有非常印象深刻, 下次可能會嘗試別的!
There were quite a bit of scallop in there,
but it was using the imitated crab meat instead of the real kind.
It's a tasty dish overall, but wasn't really impressive.
Taiwanese like to add ketchup in the egg,
but I think it would be great will a little sprinkle of Tabasco. |
松阪豬 $250
Grilled Pork Tenderloin $250 NTD (about $8.44 USD) 這道Steve超期待,其實我們在家很少吃紅肉,尤其是豬肉,我們在美國真的很少吃, 因為美國的豬肉有一種味道,不是很好吃,所以紅肉還是已牛肉為主, 但回到台灣,我們發現台灣的豬肉比牛肉還要少油脂,也更好吃, 但是一般部位選擇,我們還是會以里肌肉為主,是豬肉裡面比較瘦的部位喔!
It was quite a dish for the price.
For 8 dollars, you got the whole plate of grilled meat. Not bad!!
The pork was tender and juicy, but also very lean.
The pork wasn't overly seasoned,
you have options to dust some salt and pepper on it by yourself.
Steve is usually not a pork lover, but he likes it a lot. |
香煎魚肚 $150
Pan-fried Boneless Milkfish Belly $150 NTD (about $5 USD) 雖然不是什麼高級的魚,但是煎得”恰恰“,漂亮就很開胃, 沒有什麼刺,Steve吃得很開心!
Milkfish is a cheaper fish, but they cook it really well.
Crispy outside skin with soft & flaky fish, it was really tasty.
Milkfish belly is almost boneless,
but you will always need to pay attention when you are eating fish. |
茭白筍 $120
Grilled White Bamboo Shoots $120 NTD (about $4 USD) 這應該是媽媽和Steve第一次吃茭白筍吧!他們還問我要怎麼吃?! 其實就把外層撕開,裡面嫩的地方都可以吃, 直接吃或沾一點台式美乃滋都好吃!
I love bamboo, but you can't really find any in the US.
We only get to asparagus in the US, but having bamboo is in another level.
You can just boil it, but Tea Garden grills their bamboo.
It's crunchy and with very subtle flavor.
I like to eat it by itself or with some sweet mayo dip. |
在美國,真的沒有看過茭白筍,大部分只有蘆筍而已, Steve很認真吃飯,我恨認真拍照!
FYI, you will have to peel outside of the bamboo,
and only eat the tender part inside.
You would be able to peel it layer by layer until
it's tender enough to be eaten. |
鮮味蛤蜊湯 $160
Clam Soup $160 NTD (about $5.40 USD) 這個蛤蜊湯真的好鮮甜,真的!!看看乳白色的湯頭就知道, 不會過鹹,每個蛤蜊也都煮得剛剛好,還是很飽滿,沒有煮過頭!
Check out how milky the soup is!!
The soup has tons of big and juicy clam.
It's definitely a taste of the ocean. |
一整鍋,好多蛤蜊喔!連平常不太愛喝湯的Steve也超級捧場! |
主動自己夾魚耶!表示Steve很喜歡! |
Even though there wasn't one dish that we are super impressed by, but we really enjoy the dinner here. Affordable, tasty and with a great selection of food. Each plate is about 3-4 servings. We will definitely go back and try their Roasted Chicken in the Bucket!
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