Thursday, October 7, 2021

孕期十大必需品 Top 10 Pregnancy Must Have [Lifestyle Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

1. Comfy Workout Pants 舒服的緊身運動褲
Workout is one of my daily routines even before I got pregnant. My doctor told me I don’t have to stop working out since my body probably is used to it. This makes finding a good workout outfit super important. Up until 16 weeks, I was still able to fit into my regular workout tights. But it was getting very uncomfortable around my waist area. When I came across this high waisted, cotton based, stretchy yoga pants, I immediately fall in love with it. It’s super comfy and working good ever since. (By the way, I am 25 weeks now)
迪卡儂 Decathlon 女款無縫緊身褲 DOMYOS Yoga+

2. Stretch Mark Massage Oil 妊娠孕膚油

肚皮保養對孕婦很重要,尤其是進入第二孕期,肚子開始凸出來,肚皮也會開始要撐大了,面對這種快速過程,孕婦很容易常常覺得肚皮癢癢的,像我就是晚上睡覺前特別明顯,感覺身上皮膚癢癢的,癢就算了,但是孕婦更怕接下來的妊娠紋,為了保持皮膚的彈性,瘋狂抹油、抹乳液就很重要,從12週開始,我每天差不多會擦2-3次,尤其是睡前的抹油儀式,就直接交給Steve,我和Steve說這是他每天和他小孩的相處親密時光。市面上有很多特別給孕婦的妊娠孕膚油,我自己是用Bio oil百洛專業護膚,沒有什麼特別的香味,感覺有點像嬰兒油,大家可以試試看、多多比較。
Belly care is one of the big tasks during the entire pregnancy, since it's going to be a big stretch for a short period of time. I started to use stretch mark massage oil from week 12, and I tried to apply it about 2-3 times a day. It helps to keep my belly moisturized and avoid feeling itchy. Steve uses the bed time oil applying as his father-and-son bonding time. He would apply oil on my belly while talking to the baby. There are quite a few stretch mark massage oil brands out there, so maybe pick a couple from the amazon top buying list and compare it yourself. I personally use Bio Oil. It feels like baby oil with very light fragrance. Feel free to give it a try.

3. Water Bottles 大容量水壺

Whether or not you are pregnant, all women hate to be bloated. I like to keep my body hydrated by drinking a lot of water throughout the day. I always have a water bottle with me that with the volume at least 750 ml (about 24 oz) or even 1 L (about 32 oz). I found myself drinking more water when the water is available right in front of me.

4. Maternity Tights 孕婦彈性緊身褲

My body didn't change all that much in the first trimester. I can still fit into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, but I can tell my abdominal area is getting rounder. When I get to week 13-14, I started having some trouble to get in my jeans, pants, and some shorts. And that's why I started looking for maternity bottoms. Most of my pregnancy is going to be in the summer time, so I really don't want to spend money on long pants or long jeans. 
Costco 好市多 Jezebel 孕婦彈性緊身長褲 Maternity Leggings 2 Pack

5. Comfy Shoes 舒服的鞋子

A pair of comfy shoes are any women’s best friend. Of course, we do have the occasions that we would like to doll-up and put on some high heels. Since I got pregnant, I have been loving my sketchers and converses. It really gives the support I need during this journey.

6. Pregnancy App/ Photo Editing App 懷孕應用程式/ 孕婦肚子照片紀錄應用程式

通常我都會用手機照相,一開始都只有照側邊,大概24週以後,我才開始照正面和側邊,不然前幾週正面其實都看不太出來,Facetune和Snapseed是來調整照片光線和顏色的,最後再用Baby Story來加上可愛的貼圖。
除了照片編輯相關的應用程式以外,像是現在也有很多孕期資訊及交流的應用程式,包括The Bump, Pregnancy Tracker, Baby Center等,每天按照你的懷孕天數,給予不同的懷孕小資訊、注意事項、胎兒成長狀況等,還有適時提供不同的閱讀文章讓新手媽媽可以在懷孕10月過程中,慢慢開始為肚子裡面的小孩做最好的準備。
If you think about it, you are only going to be pregnant for 10 months. Guess what, I can't believe we missed the first 10 weeks to celebrate this special time. So we would like to document each moment, that includes every doctor visit, every little changes. Now I am in my 26th week, and I was shocked to look back to my week 10 picture. We are so amazed how much my body has been transformed over time. 
How I edit my weekly baby bump picture:
After taking the photo, I usually use Facetune and Snapseed to edit the lighting, contrast, etc. Then I import the pictures into Baby Story to add cute icons and wordings. It's super easy to make your baby bump picture one of the kinds.
Other than all these picture editing applications, there are many applications that you can use to track your pregnancy progress. The bump, Pregnancy Tracker and Baby Center are my favorite so far. I like the fact it not only counts down to the due date for you, but it also provides daily pregnancy related articles. It's very thoughtful and really prepared you for the new member in the family.  

The Bump

Google Play:
Pregnancy Tracker
Google Play:
Baby Center
Google Play:

Baby Story

Google Play:
Google Play:
Google Play:

7. Ultrasound Picture Album 超音波紀錄手冊

In the first trimester, the only way I actually know Tater's existence is by going to the doctor checkup. At this point, my body has zero changes nor any pregnancy symptoms. I look forward to every ultrasound, so I can get to have some pictures and also listen to the heartbeat of Tater. It's like a reinsurance for me that he is still alive and doing well, so you can imagine I precious every single ultrasound pictures that I can get. My best friend gave me the ultrasound picture album as pregnancy gift. I love it the fact that the album is designed for each doctor visit. There are a little slots for you to insert ultrasound pictures and places you can write down little notes or feelings at the time. It's always fun to look back all those pictures and notes nowadays. 

8. Compression Socks 彈性壓力襪

Many pregnant women have swollen or cramps in legs during the pregnancy, especially later in the pregnancy. And this becomes a huge issue for a lot of women, since it's making so much harder to move and stay active. Massaging, elevating your legs, stretching, or wearing compression socks are all helpful to avoid swollen or cramps in legs. I have been trying to avoid massaging since I got pregnant. I don't want to risk pressing the wrong pressure points that might lead to miscarriage, so I just have to stick with stretching and wearing the compression socks. It really works. I am now in 26 weeks, and I haven't had any cramps or swollen in legs. 

9. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea 覆盆子葉茶

Many midwives and pregnant women in the USA all recommend red raspberry leaves tea during the pregnancy. Red raspberry leaf tea is considered as urine tonic and also a good source of nutrients and antioxidants. Red raspberry leaf tea may help strengthen your uterine walls, decrease labor time and reduce the use of birthing interventions. Check out this link for more detailed information for the red raspberry leaf tea :
I bought the organic raspberry leaf from the website below, it tastes like regular herbal tea with very mild flavor. I didn't notice a huge difference since I already drink a lot of water in the daily basis, but I have noticed I have more urine each bathroom visit.
Organic Raspberry Leaf 有機覆盆子葉

10. Free Mommy Class 免費的孕婦課程

In Taiwan, there are a lot of free mommy classes. Most classes are sponsored by major diaper companies, baby formula companies, pharmacies, blood banks, or even hospitals, so there are lots of freebies for every participants. Every classes have different topics, and you can pick and choose what you are interested in. The following websites are two of my favorite mommy class search engines. Make sure you sign up in advance. 

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