Monday, June 18, 2018

屏東東港小琉球 / 大鵬灣一日遊:「東大興食品」特產伴手禮、紅樹林獨木舟生態之旅 [Vlog Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

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Donggang is a small town in Pingtung County that has one of the most well-known Seafood Market. It's also the port that you can take the ferry to the nearby island, XiaoLiuQiu (aka Little LiuQiu). We absolutely love this island, and ones can easily witness giant sea turtles on the beach. If you have never been there, you must make a plan to go visit this summer. It's a great place for a 1-Day-Trip or even spend a night on the island. We love XiaoLiuQiu (aka Little LiuQiu) so much that every time we go to Donggang, we always just hop on the ferry. And that's why we are so happy that Dong Da Shing Food Co. gives us this opportunity to explore the local Donggang Town and the Dapeng Bay. 

地址 :928 屏東縣東港鎮中正路165號
電話 :08-832 2061 / 08-833 3186
官方網站: (可線上購物喔!)
消費方式 :現金 
停車 :路邊停車(雖然沒有停車格,但是路邊暫停一下,應該沒有關係,假日可能就會需要停比較遠一點再走過來,距離港口很近喔!)

<Store Information>
Dong Da Shing Food Co., LTD
Adress:No. 165, Zhongzheng Road, Donggang Township, Pingtung County, 908
Phone:08-832 2061 / 08-833 3186
FB Fan Page:
Official Website: (Online Shopping is available!)
Accepting Payments:Cash
ParkingStreet Park

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一看就知道這天日頭真的赤炎炎,剛吃完新鮮又美味的海鮮午餐,差不多下午1點,一走出餐廳,就很想要回到冷氣房,趕快去東大興避暑一下! 我們從繁忙的海產店光復路出發,往港口的方向,轉到中山路,再右轉中正路, 看到右手邊的東港傳統市場之後,斜對面就是「東大興食品」的店面了, 一開始被超級大的遠傳招牌擋到了,找不到,但是如果走到正對面, 就可以看到很明顯的招牌喔!外面看起來店面小小的,但是一走進去, 真的別有洞天,有好多不一樣的產品喔! 
This spring/summer is really hot, we barely got any rain. It's so hot that I can already feel the heat from looking outside! The past winter in the midwest of the USA has been horrible. All our friends and family has been complaining about the coldness and the snow. Finally, the weather starts warming up! While they have been hitting 70s for the past few weeks, we actually have been constantly in 80s since late March. Haha! 
You can easily locate the freezer section in the back of the store. There are tons of products in there. Steve actually got excited for a little by thinking it's ice cream inside the freezer, but it turns out it's all food products!! LOL All products are in very minimal packages, very environmental friendly!

Donggang is known for their "Bluefin Tuna", "Oilfish Roe" and "Sakura Shrimp". These are sakura shrimps, they are really tiny shrimps that you almost always sell in the dry format. Sakura shrimps can be consumed inside out, so yes, you can eat its shells too! They are awesome to add to any stir-fry for some umami flavor!!

Dong Da Shing Food Co. has been around for 50 years. They are known for their Pork Sausages and Dried Meat Floss. All the products have been HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) Certified. They actual started the business in this very spot and mainly sell their sausages and meat floss to local people or venders. Many local venders still purchase fresh sausages from them every morning even now.

These sausages in the bottom of the freezer are huge. They are like the size of my arm!! 5 minutes after walking in the store, a local man walked in and bought $100 NTD (around $3.3 USD) of Pork Floss. So lucky to live in the neighborhood, you can just walk in the store and get fresh food all the time. (You can see the little clips in our video!)

I like their packaging. Most are see-through with resealable bag, so you can always seal it back if you don't finish at once.  

The store has great presentation to start with. Everything is so clean and organized! 

Gift set packaging are also available! The box are customized to fit one or two different products in it. Make sure you order ahead of time for the gift sets. 

Tasting time officially started! The store offers most of its products as tasters, and all have been carefully stored in containers. We started with beef jerky, spicy and original. The original beef jerky is everyone's favorite. Flavor is good and not overly salty. The spicy one is quite mild, but it does come with a little kick at the end. We ended up purchasing both flavors!
The taster are all in small pieces, so it's easier for customers to try. This one is super special. This is "Dry Swordfish Tendon", quite chewy with umami flavor. The texture is kind of in between a beef jerky and the pork floss. These are packaging in on-to-go mini packs, so you can have fresh swordfish tendon to snack on.

We always have a 5 seconds silence for every tasting. Since this is the food I grow up having, tasting this is not that big shocker for me. Watching Steve and Joshua's facial expression trying these new things are so fascinating. 

Dry Shredded Pork is a quite interesting item. They are not as fluffy as pork floss, but also not as dry as jerky. It's like the best of the both world. These can be purchased in small portion size too for the local people. Now is the time that I wish I live right next door.

Pork Floss is not something you eat in the USA, so that’s why Steve and Joshua have never had it before. This is quite a interesting tasting experience for them! In the USA, we usually only have beef jerky. And the jerky is always very dry and hard. They were both really surprised with the texture and the flavor that Dong Da Shing Food Co. has to offer. The original pork floss becomes Steve’s new favorite.

This is our last taster, and it’s also a type of pork jerky! It was really sticky, chewy, and sweet. Not the traditional dry jerky texture. It was good, and we all think the kids will love this. Not so much for us though.
*以下是我們這次挑選購買的產品,每一樣不是一次份量的小包裝,不然就是夾鏈帶的包裝,食材、營養標示、有效期限都標示得很清楚喔!You can clearly find the ingredients, nutrition facts, and expiration date on the package!

Everything we purchased came up to $1110 NTD (around $37 USD). We got so many items for the money we spent.

Dong Da Shing Food Co. offers variety of products to satisfy different people's tastes! We all ended up liking totally different products.

We support local Taiwanese corporations, and we certainly had a great time tasting everything in Dong Da Shing Food Co.. I personally appreciated the fact that they offer the food without any preservative or additives. This is a big step for transforming Taiwanese traditional local food products by using the new technology. Although they do offer online shopping and delivery to most places in Taiwan, I would hope they can add the English interface on their website as well in the near future!
You have to be prepared to get wet when participating in kayak activities. Let's take a picture before getting into the water... to be honest, we had no idea we would get so wet!

(P.S. 任何水上活動,真的要準備換洗衣物喔!)
After all the food, we had to go get some workout to burn off some calories! We have been eating for 3 hours straight, LOL. We went to the nearby inner bay, Da Peng Bay, for kayak. It's a special trip to explore Taiwanese Mangrove Waterway that you will have to reserve in advance. Let's go~
(P.S. Make sure you bring some changing clothes! You are guarantee to get wet!)

It's quite overwhelming in the first 5 minutes. You will have to get used to the paddles, the waves, the movement, but it's definitely a lot of fun.

As soon as you get in the Mangrove Waterway, there were no more waves. It's for sure a workout!
In the waterway, it's very cool and comfortable under the shades. You can totally take a nap on the kayak!
Special thanks to our instructor who took lots of pictures for us. It was lovely there is someone can take picture for us. I was so busy paddling, there is no time to take any photo!
有沒有很像四草綠色隧道!!? 這個感覺真的好棒喔!
Tell me this is not lovely!?! Come on... By looking at the picture, I want to go back there now. Haha We also see many Fiddler Crabs. It's very interesting to catch these little creatures in our ride.

紅樹林獨木舟深度之旅會需要事先預約/kayak Reservation:

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