This summer in Kaohsiung, Taiwan has been hot, humid, and rainy! The summer heat in Taiwan is completely different than the heat in USA. Since we are surrounded by oceans, the heat comes with high humidity. We are always looking for new ways to stay cool on hot summer days. Baking in this weather, can be hot and humid as well. So we are happy to be invited by Charming Choco to have a elegant tea time. The best thing of having tea time at Charming Choco is that it's cool, quite, and has a nice atmosphere! So ... let's go!
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco
地址:802 高雄市苓雅區泰順街47號
電話:07-223 5554
<Store Information>
Charming Choco
Address: No. 47, Taishun Street, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, 802
Phone:07-223 5554
Hours: Daily except Wednesday @ 11AM-8PM (Kitchen closed @ 7PM)
Facebook Fanpage:
Online Store:
Accepting Payments: Cash, Credit Cards for order more than $500 NTD
Parking: Scooter can be parked in front of the store. For cars, you might want to try your luck for street parking on Kaixuan Rd. Or the parking lot by the President Department Store.
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巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco 為在於高雄之前咖啡廳/簡餐店有名的泰順街,小時候,簡餐店興起,泰順街有好多有特色的小店在這裡。
Charming Choco is located in the back of the President Department Store. This street is actually known for unique coffee shops and restaurants.
In front Charming Choco, there is a board with menu of the day. Since it's a homemade dessert shop, everyday might have slightly different desserts available.
The decoration in the entrance is super cute, it covers the whole window space. You can see these cute designs from the outside. The sticker shows pictures only on the one side, the other side of the stickers are some simple stripes. The stripes provides some minimalist vibe to the restaurant. Sometimes less is more! I believe these stickers can reduce the amount of the sunlight shine through the glass and also provide a little privacy for their customers.
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco既然打著「手作」的名號,當然連果醬也要自己做,好可愛的小禮盒!
Charming Choco not only has homemade desserts, but they also sell homemade jam! The packaging is simply adorable.
According to Charming Choco, their most popular jam is "Orange Carrot ". I have never tried carrot jam before, this should be a very interesting experience for the next visit.
Charming Choco also has blueberry jam, and they actually incorporate it into their own homemade dessert.

Steve馬上開始研究起展示櫃冰箱裡面的甜點,沒有誇張的顏色和裝飾,巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco的甜點是走樸實簡約風。
The desserts don't have flashy decorations, you can simple tell the flavor from looking at the desserts.
I like the fact that they use the basic ingredients (such as fresh fruits) as decoration of the desserts.

Other than their regular menu selection, Charming Choco also has special surprise menu daily. Most desserts are limited everyday, so make sure you call ahead of the time to reserve your favorite.
除了一般每日都有的三種起士蛋糕(重乳酪、Oreo生乳酪、藍莓生乳酪),巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco也推出每日限定的甜點,像是這天就有大理石乳酪蛋糕、紅豆抹茶戚風蛋糕、低GI乳酪千層蛋糕、不同派塔、咖啡布朗尼蛋糕及酸甜檸檬塔。
Charming Choco is known for their cheesecakes. The regular flavors are original, oreo, blueberry. Charming Choco also showcase their variety of new desserts daily, such as today they have marble cheesecake, red bean mocha chiffon cake, low GI thousand layers cake, tarts, coffee brownie and lemon tart.
低GI乳酪千層蛋糕 $160/片
放在罩子裡面,好神秘的感覺,馬上直覺我就很想要嘗試看看。巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco配合現在很流行的生酮飲食而製作的千層蛋糕,低糖又要低澱粉,但是又要達到好吃的甜點真的有一點難度。
The low GI cake is designed for Keto diet people. It's low in carb and sugar intake. Charming Choco uses coconut powder as replacement for regular flour, and also use Erythritol as replacement for regular sugar. It's hard to achieve the regular dessert taste with these kind of ingredients, but Charming Choco definitely nailed this dessert. It's so delicious!
The thousand layers cake is not a difficult dessert to make, but it's hard to make it right. You have to have the right crepe size, consistency of the cream, amount of the cream while layering, and whole lots of patient!!!

Tea Time!

Bon Appétit!
藍莓派 $140
派皮是巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco自己製作的,厚度剛剛好,派底也有烤到熟,這個派皮都維持脆度。
Blueberry Tart $140 (about $4.57 USD)
The tart shell is made from scratch by Charming Choco. It's crust was a good thickness and baked well all the way through. Also while cutting, the cake maintained it's integrity.

You can hear the crunch cutting through the tart!!
The tart shell is a little sweet, but not overly sweet. The cream inside is slightly sweeten and whipped with a little cream cheese. It's a very special tart that has many different flavors added on top!
低GI乳酪千層蛋糕 $160/片
這個千層蛋糕很特別,平常的可麗軟餅都是用麵粉做的,但是巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco是使用椰子來製作可麗軟餅的,再加上天然代糖,捨去一般的糖,真的很講究。
Low GI Cream Cheese Thousand Layers Cake $160/slice (about $5.22 per slice)
We didn't even notice it's made from special ingredients until the owner told us what's actually inside. Usually the crepe is made from regular flour, but Charming Choco is made from coconut powder. Coconut powder is basically grind dried coconut meat, so it's actually very texturize. But the crepes turn out soft and yummy.
The first bite is quite shocking to be honest. The cream is a bit salty with slight cream cheese taste. You can taste a little coconut powder texture in the crepe. It's definitely a guilt free dessert.
P.S. 巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco有特別和我們說,每次的千層蛋糕口味都會不一樣,讓顧客每一次都可以有驚喜喔!
P.S. Charming Choco always introduce new flavor for their thousand layers cake. We are going to swing back there to taste some new flavors.
蜂蜜咖啡泡泡 $75
Honey Coffee $75 (about $2.45 USD)
This drink only comes in cold. It's dairy-free with natural sugar and honey. By shaking dark roasted coffee beans and honey in the shaker together, it creates the foam identical to beer foam. The flavor of this drink is awesome!
I thought I would miss the smoothness from the dairy, but it turns out really smooth. And the honey cuts the bitterness of the coffee and really elevates the overall taste to another level.
The Honey Coffee is surprisingly tasty and memorable.
Today, we are taking home a 6 inch blueberry cheesecake. ($400 NTD/ $13 USD) With each takeout, Charming Choco provides eating and storage instruction. Very thoughtful.
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco有提供事先幫客人切蛋糕成8等分或6等分的服務,但是誰說我要分享的?!蛋糕不用切,因為只有我可以吃,哇哈哈哈哈~ 開心帶著蛋糕回家,等著週末來慶祝生日了!
For the takeout cheesecake, you can also choose to have Charming Choco to precut the cake for you.
With their instruction, I was able to cut out a pretty slice of cheesecake! Yay~
P.S. 藍莓醬沒有勾芡,這才是果醬真正的應該的狀態!
I really like the consistency of the blueberry sauce.
第一次可以吃到讓我們印象深刻的甜點,也許是因為碰到喜歡做甜點的知音,也讓我偷偷看到他們可愛的烘培廚房!帶回家的甜點也很好吃,再加上起士蛋糕可以冷凍起來,可以慢慢吃,不用急著在賞味期限內吃完。巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco的點心屬於比較清淡的口味,希望巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco可以未來提供點心/飲品的成分和營養成分標示,在現今注重健康養生的社會,巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco都特別挑選食材,我相信可以增加大家購買的意願哦!
Overall, we really enjoyed our time tea time at Charming Choco. I loved talking about baking with the owner, and we shared ideas with each other. Charming Choco's desserts are really light in flavor, not too sweet or overpowering. The owner of Charming Choco told us how particular they are on choosing all their ingredients. By adding English signs on their price tag as well as nutrition facts, might open up more potential customers for the business.
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巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco 為在於高雄之前咖啡廳/簡餐店有名的泰順街,小時候,簡餐店興起,泰順街有好多有特色的小店在這裡。
Charming Choco is located in the back of the President Department Store. This street is actually known for unique coffee shops and restaurants.
沿著和平路上的大統和平店,第一個小路口轉進來就是泰順街了,進來的右邊第三間就是巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco,還好我們這天騎機車來,不然這裡到處都是紅線,開車的人可以停到接近文化中心的停車場或碰碰運氣路邊的停車格,但是機車族就可以直接停在店家門口喔!
Charming Choco is on a narrow street with no street parking available, but there are quite a few paid parking lots and street parking space on the Zhong-Zheng Road or Kai-Xuan Road.
每天都有不一樣的甜點,喜歡做甜點的人都知道,每天都做一樣的甜點真的會瘋掉,店家也會隨機推出不一樣的甜點給大家嚐鮮,店家很貼心把當天的甜點寫在門口的黑板上,讓經過的人可以先看看今天的甜點有哪些!In front Charming Choco, there is a board with menu of the day. Since it's a homemade dessert shop, everyday might have slightly different desserts available.
The decoration in the entrance is super cute, it covers the whole window space. You can see these cute designs from the outside. The sticker shows pictures only on the one side, the other side of the stickers are some simple stripes. The stripes provides some minimalist vibe to the restaurant. Sometimes less is more! I believe these stickers can reduce the amount of the sunlight shine through the glass and also provide a little privacy for their customers.
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco既然打著「手作」的名號,當然連果醬也要自己做,好可愛的小禮盒!
Charming Choco not only has homemade desserts, but they also sell homemade jam! The packaging is simply adorable.
According to Charming Choco, their most popular jam is "Orange Carrot ". I have never tried carrot jam before, this should be a very interesting experience for the next visit.
Charming Choco also has blueberry jam, and they actually incorporate it into their own homemade dessert.
Steve馬上開始研究起展示櫃冰箱裡面的甜點,沒有誇張的顏色和裝飾,巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco的甜點是走樸實簡約風。
The desserts don't have flashy decorations, you can simple tell the flavor from looking at the desserts.
I like the fact that they use the basic ingredients (such as fresh fruits) as decoration of the desserts.
Other than their regular menu selection, Charming Choco also has special surprise menu daily. Most desserts are limited everyday, so make sure you call ahead of the time to reserve your favorite.
除了一般每日都有的三種起士蛋糕(重乳酪、Oreo生乳酪、藍莓生乳酪),巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco也推出每日限定的甜點,像是這天就有大理石乳酪蛋糕、紅豆抹茶戚風蛋糕、低GI乳酪千層蛋糕、不同派塔、咖啡布朗尼蛋糕及酸甜檸檬塔。
Charming Choco is known for their cheesecakes. The regular flavors are original, oreo, blueberry. Charming Choco also showcase their variety of new desserts daily, such as today they have marble cheesecake, red bean mocha chiffon cake, low GI thousand layers cake, tarts, coffee brownie and lemon tart.
低GI乳酪千層蛋糕 $160/片
放在罩子裡面,好神秘的感覺,馬上直覺我就很想要嘗試看看。巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco配合現在很流行的生酮飲食而製作的千層蛋糕,低糖又要低澱粉,但是又要達到好吃的甜點真的有一點難度。
The low GI cake is designed for Keto diet people. It's low in carb and sugar intake. Charming Choco uses coconut powder as replacement for regular flour, and also use Erythritol as replacement for regular sugar. It's hard to achieve the regular dessert taste with these kind of ingredients, but Charming Choco definitely nailed this dessert. It's so delicious!
The thousand layers cake is not a difficult dessert to make, but it's hard to make it right. You have to have the right crepe size, consistency of the cream, amount of the cream while layering, and whole lots of patient!!!
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco也有一系列的飲品來搭配他們的甜點喔!
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco店裡座位沒有很多,總共差不多只有四個桌子,可以提供約10人的座位,雖然巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco以外帶為主,但是其實室內空間是很舒服的,假日會需要提早訂位哦!下午茶上桌!
Tea Time!
Bon Appétit!
藍莓派 $140
派皮是巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco自己製作的,厚度剛剛好,派底也有烤到熟,這個派皮都維持脆度。
Blueberry Tart $140 (about $4.57 USD)
The tart shell is made from scratch by Charming Choco. It's crust was a good thickness and baked well all the way through. Also while cutting, the cake maintained it's integrity.
You can hear the crunch cutting through the tart!!
The tart shell is a little sweet, but not overly sweet. The cream inside is slightly sweeten and whipped with a little cream cheese. It's a very special tart that has many different flavors added on top!
低GI乳酪千層蛋糕 $160/片
這個千層蛋糕很特別,平常的可麗軟餅都是用麵粉做的,但是巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco是使用椰子來製作可麗軟餅的,再加上天然代糖,捨去一般的糖,真的很講究。
Low GI Cream Cheese Thousand Layers Cake $160/slice (about $5.22 per slice)
We didn't even notice it's made from special ingredients until the owner told us what's actually inside. Usually the crepe is made from regular flour, but Charming Choco is made from coconut powder. Coconut powder is basically grind dried coconut meat, so it's actually very texturize. But the crepes turn out soft and yummy.
The first bite is quite shocking to be honest. The cream is a bit salty with slight cream cheese taste. You can taste a little coconut powder texture in the crepe. It's definitely a guilt free dessert.
P.S. 巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco有特別和我們說,每次的千層蛋糕口味都會不一樣,讓顧客每一次都可以有驚喜喔!
P.S. Charming Choco always introduce new flavor for their thousand layers cake. We are going to swing back there to taste some new flavors.
蜂蜜咖啡泡泡 $75
Honey Coffee $75 (about $2.45 USD)
This drink only comes in cold. It's dairy-free with natural sugar and honey. By shaking dark roasted coffee beans and honey in the shaker together, it creates the foam identical to beer foam. The flavor of this drink is awesome!
I thought I would miss the smoothness from the dairy, but it turns out really smooth. And the honey cuts the bitterness of the coffee and really elevates the overall taste to another level.
The Honey Coffee is surprisingly tasty and memorable.
榛果拿鐵 (熱)$95 (冰)$110
Hazelnut Late
(Hot) $95 (about $3.10 USD)
(Cold) $110 (about $3.60 USD)
We love to drink hot coffee, that's why we decided on this hot hazelnut latte. The smell of the coffee remind me of Nutella. Charming Choco serve their coffee warm, not super hot, so it's safe to drink right away.
It's relaxing to enjoy the afternoon in Charming Choco. We talked, ate, and enjoyed the overall quiet atmosphere.
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco也有製作很可愛的介紹DM,後面就有簡單的訂購資訊,目前能夠在PC home上面訂購,滿$1500就可以享有免運的優惠!
Charming Choco also has online shopping at PC Home. You can receive free shipping for orders over $1500 NTD.
這是我們外帶的6寸法式藍莓生乳酪蛋糕$400,知道是我的生日,巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco特別幫我準備了蠟燭和Happy Birthday小卡片放進我的蛋糕裡面。Today, we are taking home a 6 inch blueberry cheesecake. ($400 NTD/ $13 USD) With each takeout, Charming Choco provides eating and storage instruction. Very thoughtful.
巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco有提供事先幫客人切蛋糕成8等分或6等分的服務,但是誰說我要分享的?!蛋糕不用切,因為只有我可以吃,哇哈哈哈哈~ 開心帶著蛋糕回家,等著週末來慶祝生日了!
For the takeout cheesecake, you can also choose to have Charming Choco to precut the cake for you.
最重要的是...巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco提供了蛋糕的保存及食用方法,不但有文字說明,還有可愛的插圖,也貼心提供不同口感的體驗方式,真的,沒有耐心也看得懂!
I love the fact that the instruction has both writing and pictures instructions for easy reading.
The blueberry sauce is packaged separately. Not only can it extend the storing time, but it can also adjust the sauce for individual preference.
按照巧米巧克手作甜點咖啡Charming Choco的食用方法,真的可以切出很漂亮的蛋糕哦!With their instruction, I was able to cut out a pretty slice of cheesecake! Yay~
P.S. 藍莓醬沒有勾芡,這才是果醬真正的應該的狀態!
I really like the consistency of the blueberry sauce.
The blueberry sauce has some brandy flavor, and it adds some alcohol sweet taste to the cake. This cheesecake is eggless, so it's a no bake cheesecake. The cream cheese flavor is quite light and not very sweet, so most sweetness and sourness is from the blueberry sauce. It's a really special and light weight dessert.
Overall, we really enjoyed our time tea time at Charming Choco. I loved talking about baking with the owner, and we shared ideas with each other. Charming Choco's desserts are really light in flavor, not too sweet or overpowering. The owner of Charming Choco told us how particular they are on choosing all their ingredients. By adding English signs on their price tag as well as nutrition facts, might open up more potential customers for the business.
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