Sunday, September 16, 2018

<蛋糕下午茶首選> 曼寧Magnet (台灣花茶) :多穀紅藜茶、玫瑰紅棗茶 & 搭配蛋糕:純粹原味乳酪蛋糕 [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

We love desserts and freshly made bake goods. When we moved to Taiwan a few years ago, we had no idea it would be so hard to find a good desserts. We simply missed the American tastes and flavors. If you are ever in the Twin Cities, MN, you must go check out the cheesecakes from Cafe Latte on Grand Ave, the pancakes from Key's Cafe, and the Chili Omelet from Micky's Diner. 
So in order to solve our craving problem, I started making my own desserts. We usually like to pair the desserts with black coffee or just some milk. Special thanks to Magnet for sending us two different kinds of herbal tea to go with some yummy desserts.


訂購方式:網路訂購 @

<Store Info>

Magnet Herbal and Fruit Tea
Official Website:
Facebook Fan Page:
Ordering Method: Online @


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You can find Magnet's logo from the outside of the box. Magnet thoughtfully pairs their teas with a special dessert, so we can enjoy this special pairing together. The entire shipment has been refrigerated during the shipping process. 
Not only the shipment has been refrigerated during the shipping process, the box is very well packaged. Magnet also provides their products' SGS report which indicates there are no pesticide residue. 
The cake needs to be refrigerated, but the tea can be stored in the room temperature. 
The jar is made out of glass. The outside box not only gives it a very chic look, but it also gives the glass jar an extra protection. 
The stickers on the jar only has Chinese information, but the outside box has both Chinese and English on it, including ingredients, source of ingredients, nutrition fact, expiration date, and instruction of how to make tea.
身為台灣人,我們都很支持所有Made In Taiwan的品牌和產品,尤其是產品能夠和在地小農合作的品牌,曼寧Magnet的花草茶和花果茶, 除了使用台灣在地的食材以外,也加入了其他國家在地生產的其他原料,搭配出和諧、健康、美味的組合。
I like the fact that Magnet uses our local Taiwanese produce as one of the major key ingredients, and have it pair with several different high quality ingredients from all over the world
The three-dimensional tea bag is such an unique design.
Jujube Tea with Rose:
Taiwanese Jujube (Red Date), Pakistan Rose Petals, South African Rooibos Tea

As soon as you open the jar, you can smell the fragrance from the rose petals and the sweetness of the red dates. It really smells so good that I will like to sneak a tea bag in my pocket. LOL
The see-through tea bag is made out of corn starch. You can easily located the flower petals, tea leaves, and chopped dates.  
Tea Making Tips:
Let the string of tea bag goes through the handle of the kettle in order to avoid the entire tea bag fall into the bottom of the Kettle.

As soon as the hot water hit the tea bag, you can almost smell the fragrance from the rose petals immediately. 
The tea bag need to steep for about 2-3 minutes before you can enjoy it.
The tea has some slight rose flavor, and this is the first flavor that you are going to taste. Rose flavor is a bit dry, but the sweetness from the jujube almost comes in right after. The flavor is very subtle, and it is perfect to go with the dessert, cheesecake.
Steve usually adds a bit sugar into his tea, but due to jujube subtle sweetness, he drinks it on it's own!!
You can repeat the same steps of brewing tea for maybe 3-4 times. Each time might want to increase the steeping time for 1-2 minutes.
Red Quinoa Tea with Grains:
Taiwanese Red Quinoa, Taiwanese Buckwheat
, Taiwanese Roasted Brown Rice
I love picnicking. It's something we like to do during the summer days. Bringing your own snacks to the park or beach is a must!!
The Red Quinoa Tea is filled with all different types and colors of grains. The grains smell lightly toasted.
I love this type of mugs for a few reason:
1. It holds a lot of water.

2. It's microwave safe.
3. It almost looks like a bowl, but has a handle for easy transfer.
4. Makes me want to drink more water, so why not?!
Another great thing to take for outing is a good thermos. It has to be big and hold the temperature well for both hot and cold drink. And this is why I was able to bring hot water to make tea outdoor. 

Today we have my homemade cracked sugar cookies and brownie to go with Magnet's Red Quinoa Tea. The tea smells like toasted rice and has a bitter taste to it. The aftertaste is a bit dry, but it's perfect for the very sweet American dessert. LOL

Once the tea bag is done. All the grains have been expended and filled up the entire tea bag. It's quite interesting to see all the grains are cooked and actually tasted like regular rice!!! So cool!


Magnet is a really interesting brand. They made drinking tea full of surprises. It definitely goes really well to pair with any dessert, both sweet and savory. 
Magnet's tea is all fruit or herbs based, so there is no caffeine in there. You can basically drink it anytime of the day. It's a great replacement for simple water. You can even pour the just brewed tea into a glass that is filled with ice to have it as ice tea. I like to have a small cup of warm tea before going to bed every night. For some reason, having a warm stomach feeling always allows me to have a good night sleep.
Magnet's tea has very subtle flavor. If you are a big fan of a stronger tea flavor, you might want to increase the tea steeping time. Although I love their packaging, the tea bags are not individually packaged. I can understand from the environmental protection prospective, but Taiwan is very humid most of the time. The upkeep might be a issue if you don't drink it regularly. 


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