Monday, April 1, 2019

下午茶手工餅乾:BENPAN泰國點心-奶酥麵包 (創意零食) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

聽說這是泰國最近各大餐廳超級火紅的甜點,老實說,乍看之下Ben Pan泰國奶酥麵包的包裝真的不是很起眼,外包裝都是泰文,真的不太知道到底是什麼,但是打開後真的叫人驚艷連連,真的會讓人一口接著一口的,有點像台東有名的奶油酥條,但是Ben Pan泰國奶酥麵包多了好多種不同的口味呢!

Ben Pan is a thai snack brand, and they are known for their buttery crunchy toast snack. It's basically little slices of toast with different toppings and bake until nice and crunchy like cookies texture. It's quite an addictive snack!!


Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包

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Ben Bangkok Bakery
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收到箱子的時候,感覺好輕,沒想到,一打開,是滿滿的Ben Pan泰國奶酥麵包,包裝有點像洋芋片,蓬蓬的,不會怕在運送過程中被壓碎。
The package is super light and everyone flavor is packed individually in different resealable bags. Ben Pan snacks are packages like chips, so it won't get smashed during the shipping process.

Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包每一個包裝很輕巧,每一個口味分開包裝,一個小小的野餐袋,可以放得下我的蘋果和5種不同口味的奶酥麵包呢!趁著春天暖暖的太陽出來了,終於可以出門一邊曬曬太陽,一邊工作了。
Since it's so light, I can easily fit all 5 flavors in the to-go bag with me for a study day. 

Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包總共有五種口味:巧克力、草莓、牛奶、綠茶、乾酪蒜味。雖然包裝上沒有特別註記,而且通通都是泰文,但是因為包裝上有一部分是透明的,所以可以輕易看得出內容物的顏色,讓不同的口味很容易分辨出來,唯一有特別標示口味的就是「乾酪蒜味」,在包裝上看到一個小蒜頭圖案,乾酪蒜味也是所有口味中屬於鹹的口味喔!
Ben Pan toast snacks come in 5 different flavors: Chocolate, Strawberry, Milk, Green Tea, and Garlic Cheese. Even though the packages only show description in Thai, but you can tell the flavors by simply looking at the color of the toast

每一種口味一打開,香氣撲鼻,Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包每一塊都不一樣大小,可以看得出手工製作的用心,就像洋芋片一樣,我喜歡吃有大小不一的洋芋片,而不是每一塊都工整大小的,雖然都是零食,但是至少感覺吃起來比較真實。
Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包也像洋芋片一樣脆脆的,吃起來就像是抹了不同醬料的小小吐司,烤到脆脆的,有點像是沙拉上或濃湯上撒的麵包丁一樣,吃了會上癮,一口一塊,一口接一口,停不下來!Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包使用天然原料、0%反式脂肪,吃了不用擔心怕負擔,健康又美味,最重要的是,Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包少了一般麵包裡面的水分,可以長時間保存,不用擔心發黴或口感不一樣了,超級方便。
I have to warn you, these toast snacks are so additive, just like eating chips. They are extremely fragrance for snacks that use all natural ingredients. 

Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包的包裝真的不是特別搶眼,雖然上面的紋路圖案很有泰國的異國風格,但是白色的線條感覺消失在金色的袋子上,如果替換一下顏色,搞不好會更凸顯線條上的設計。半透明的包裝,讓消費者可以馬上看到內容物,也可以清楚分辨不同的口味。
The packaging is quite Thai vibes, and to be honest, not really appealing for me if I see this in the grocery store. The white print kind of blur out in the gold color. 

Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包的包裝上面都是用泰文標示,如果可以增加至少英文翻譯,我覺得對於國際上的接受度會更高。Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包每一個包裝也有清楚印製最佳品嚐期限,包裝袋子也是使用夾鏈袋的方式,雖然打開了,很難不是一口接著一口吃完,但是至少可以讓比較有控制力的消費者(一定不是我!)可以輕易收藏,不用擔心會因此而容易受潮。(尤其台灣的雨季快要到了!)
Although the package shows nutrition facts and expiration date, but it's in Thai language. It would be nice if there is at least English translation on the package. One great thing is all Ben Pan toast snacks come in the resealable bag, so the toast snack won't get staled as easy in the humid weather in Taiwan.

They smell and taste just like strawberry jam. It's crunchy and with very little sweetness of strawberry flavor. It goes really well when you crunch it up and sprinkle on top of the yogurt! 

個人建議巧克力口味可以配上濃茶或是黑咖啡,Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包的巧克力口味帶了一點比利時黑巧克力的苦味,是一個很濃郁又有層次的口味。
You can totally taste the bitterness from the toast as Ben Pan uses dark chocolate as one of the ingredients. 

This is probably Ben Pan snack's original flavor. A bit taste like a condensed milk, really flavorful. 
Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包使用純正綠茶粉,把茶香完全呈現在麵包上,吃得出茶香,但是不會吃到綠茶的苦味,我喜歡Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包把亞洲文化帶進去他們的產品裡!
Green Tea:
Green tea is signature flavor for Asian culture. Ben Pan snack toast has a strong green tea (matcha) flavor but without the bitterness of the regular green tea. It's crunchy and not overly sweet. 

鹹鹹甜甜的口味,超級好吃,這是我最喜歡的口味,因為鹹甜交替,吃了真的不會膩,愛大蒜味道的我,喜歡Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包看得到一顆一顆的蒜頭,喜歡蒜麵包的人,一定會喜歡。
Garlic Cheese:
This is my favorite!!! It's a little savory but also with a little sweet at the same time. You can see little crushed garlic pieces on the toast, and that's just cherry on the top. It's definitely additive, I think I actually finished the whole bag by myself! LOL

整體上,雖然Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包的包裝沒有非常特別,但是口味都很大眾,少了添加物,使用天然原料,把健康、爽口、又美味的手工餅乾給消費者,是一個很特別的泰國進口零食,吃起來真的很像台灣台東名產-奶油酥條,但是Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包上面看不到沾滿的糖粒,也多了很多口味。夾鏈袋小包裝,方便攜帶和收藏,不用擔心餅乾受潮!如果Ben Pan 泰國奶酥麵包在包裝上加上至少英文翻譯,我相信會大大提升國際上的接受度!

Overall, we really enjoy Ben Pan snacks. It's crunchy and additive. With all the natural ingredients and 0% trans fat, Ben Pan snack is really relatively a better/smarter snack choice compare with all other crunchy snack out there. Although the packaging is not super attractive, I really enjoy the see through packaging. So the consumers can easily see the product. The resealable bag is really thoughtful as well. It would be nice if they can incorporate English translation on the packaging, so it's more friendly for people who can't read Thai!


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