Tuesday, April 30, 2019

在家輕鬆釀酒DIY:ALCHEMA智慧釀酒機 Hard Cider Maker [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

When we 1st got ALCHEMA Hard Cider Maker, we were cautiously optimistic. Because it's something we have wanted for years, but we weren't so sure in it's performance! As it arrived at our house, we were excited to now have a opportunity to explore and make whatever alcoholic beverages that we choose to make! It's always a plus since we can incorporate whatever fresh ingredients as we like.
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ALCHEMA Hard Cider Maker
Official Website: https://www.alchema.com.tw/
Facebook Group: 
PChome Purchase Link: 


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As I opened up the ALCHEMA box to take it out, I was very surprised at how light the machine is, while being amazed by it's sleek metallic finishing! 
It's definitely intriguing as you just need to follow three easy steps.
ALCHEMA comes with an app that can work on both android and ios phone devices. 
What's so unique about ALCHEMA is you can choose to add in any fruit that is in season to create your own cider drink. 
ALCHEMA Hard Cider Maker is quite light in weight, and they packaged their machine really nicely. 

There are not many components in ALCHEMA Hard Cider Maker, only the main machine, glass jar, usb cord with outlet plugin, funnel, yeast, and instruction manual for how to set up. 
There is only one button on ALCHEMA Hard Cider Maker, so most of the set up has to be completed through the phone app. It's quite easy follow along. (You can also have the ALCHEMA to connect to your phone's hot spot if you don't have any wireless internet available.)
I went to the app which is very user friendly and started the process, and it only took us 5-10 mins to finish the beginning setup. The following step is choosing the recipe, that ends up taking way longer than the set up time. LOL
We decided to go with the "Honey Cider", since most people recommend this one to the beginners. After rinsing/washing the jar, the app will walk you through step by step. First of all, in order to make sure each batch will turn out to be in good quality, ALCHEMA has built in UV ray to eliminate all the bacteria. 
The good thing about this part was that there is a built in scale inside the machine to make sure your ingredients are perfectly measured. I can see the exact measurement from the app. 
I had some leftover Kirkland Costco Clover Honey, and I simply mixed that with water and yeast! 
ALCHEMA app is super cool and informational. It shows the temperature, alcohol content %, air pressure, and brix (sugar content). ALCHEMA comes with three different yeast, and it is used to make different flavor of cider. You can find more information of the difference of the yeast on their official website. 

Premier Rough (紅色):這隻酵母能引出各種不同的水果風味與花香味,發酵速度較慢,產出的成品顏色較淡、氣味單純、酒體輕盈。 
Premier Blanc (黃色):發酵速度較快,成品顏色較深、酵母沉澱性佳使成品清澈、無氣泡感、氣味層次較多且強烈、口感偏酸且酒精味較明顯。 
Premier Cuvee (藍色):它可能是RED STAR系列中,工作效率最高、最乾淨的酵母。酵速度較快,成品顏色較深、氣味偏單純、口感偏酸偏澀。
ALCHEMA app also has graph for you to follow along the process. It's really interesting to see how the measurements change throughout the brewing process. 
After about 120 hours (roughly 5 days) and a lot of anxious moments, I was running on the treadmill at the gym when I received notice from the app that the cider was done! 
After that, I let it sit in the fridge for 5 days! On the 5th day, my mom and Steve decided to give it a try while having dinner! My mom, who never drinks, said she loves the smoothness, and might become a social drinker because it taste so good! 
My husband was not only surprised by the sweetness of the honey taste, but the after taste of the alcohol, and how defined and blended the mixture came out! He finished his glass in 10 mins, and immediately wanted a 2nd glass! 
All in all, I would say the ALCHEMA Hard Cider Maker is a definite success and we are extremely happy with it's performance! I would totally recommend this to all of my friends, especially for events such as birthday parties, weddings, or if your at home by yourself and want to have a drink while watching Netflix! We are going to keep all of you updated with more cider recipe that we are going to try. Can't wait!


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