Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Popcorn Lover: Magi Planet星球工坊-地瓜爆米花(A.A.無添加認證/零食點心)[Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

爆米花一直是Steve的最愛,來到台灣更是愛上每年冬天才有的烤金黃色地瓜,年假的時候,我們還特別去了台南新化的瓜瓜園買了一箱的地瓜回家,每天都有地瓜吃,Steve超開心的!Magi Planet 星球工坊這次特別和瓜瓜園聯名合作,推出雙色地瓜爆米花,收到的時候好興奮,我們還沒有來得及拍照,我們就先打開一包來品嚐了,光是顏色就讓人看了很療癒,黃色配上紅紫色,淡淡的地瓜甜味,配上脆脆的爆米花,甜味很淡雅,不會像焦糖爆米花吃了會膩,Magi Planet 星球工坊的雙色地瓜爆米花真的會讓人一口接一口,一下子一包就沒了!
Guess what is Steve's favorite snack... Yes, it's popcorn and gummy bears. LOL.
When we first got to Taiwan, we missed one of the local candy stores called Candyland in downtown St. Paul, MN, so much. They make their popcorn fresh daily, and you can smell the sweetness from outside of the store. It's hard to find this kind of candy store in Taiwan, so Steve used to always go to 7/11 or FamilyMart for their microwave popcorn. 
Magi Planet sent us some popcorn in sweet potato flavor. Two of Steve's favorite things together, so we are more than excited to give this a try. Magi Planet's sweet potato popcorn is surprisingly addictive and we finished the first bag within half hour! 


*Magi Planet 星球工坊爆米花官方網站專屬優惠,即日起至2019年7月31日24:00止,結帳輸入此序號NL2GVKCC,不限金額單筆結帳即可現折100元。*

<Store Information>

Official Website:
Facebook Fanpage:
Crossover Brand - K. K. Orchad:
*Magi Planet is running a special promotion: You can get $100 NTD off buy using the coupon code "NL2GVKCC". (The code will be expired by the midnight of July 31, 2019)*


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Magi Planet星球工坊 雙色地瓜爆米花有兩種包裝,白色包裝110公克,黑色小包裝是超商限定款60公克,市面上有很多通路都可以買得到,超級方便!
There two different packagings for this special flavor, black package contains 60g of popcorn, and the white packages comes in 110g. Magi Planet has direct stores in many majoy department store, but you can always simply order all different flavors of popcorn from their website. 
台北 - 101(台北市信義區信義路五段7號5樓) 
桃園 – 華泰名品城(桃園市中壢區春德路189號1樓) 
台中 – 勤美誠品(台中市西區公益路68號B1樓) 
高雄 – 漢神巨蛋(高雄市左營區博愛二路777號B1)
Magi Planet星球工坊這次特別和台南新化的瓜瓜園合作,使用台灣在地的農產品:地瓜來做為爆米花調味的原料,話說我們過年剛去新化的瓜瓜園,所以看到這個特別有感,Magi Planet星球工坊使用台農57號黃金地瓜(Steve的最愛)和台農73號紫心地瓜來當作食材,加入非基改的爆米花中,無任何添加物和防腐劑,而且只有使用5種成分,而且每一種成分都很天然,我都念的出來,沒有任何化學原料,雖然棕櫚油不算是太健康,但是和市面上零食來比較,Magi Planet星球工坊的爆米花真的是太健康的選擇了!
We are excited to find out that Magi Planet is collaborating with K. K. Orchad, since we actually just got back visiting K. K. Orchad during Lunar New Year holiday. Steve and I are so in love with their yellow sweet potato, they are super tasty just by steaming. Non GMO popcorn with the flavor of the sweet potato from the local farmer just sound so good. Magi Planet's popcorn are made from 5 simple wholesome ingredients. No additive, no preservatives, and non GMO. It's totally a way better option compare with most other store-bought snacks.
每一個包裝的封口處都有註明製造日期和賞味期限,Magi Planet星球工坊的爆米花未開封可以保存6個月(真的不可能放在家裡6個月還沒吃。。。消失速度超快!),雖然Magi Planet星球工坊的包裝都是夾鏈袋,但是開封後最好還是趕快吃完,畢竟爆米花比較容易受潮!
Magi Planet's popcorn come in resealable packages, so it's easy to storage and avoid getting stale. Since there is no preservatives and additives, Magi Planet's popcorn can store up 6 months. (Manufactured date and expiration date are both imprinted on the package.)
Human usually attract to food that has crunchy texture, and that's why we love chips, popcorn, cookies, crackers so much. We are trying to make more health conscious decision in our life, and that includes always look at the ingredients list on the packaging. Magi Planet uses non GMO corn and local ingredients to create this Duo Colors Sweet Potato Popcorn. We support and appreciate company that make healthy snacks for people. 
Magi Planet星球工坊的雙色地瓜爆米花,不但保有金黃地瓜和紫心地瓜的顏色,咬下去,脆脆的糖衣,增加了爆米花的口感,馬上可以嚐出地瓜的香味,有著淡淡的地瓜香甜味。
Magi Planet's Duo Colors Sweet Potato Popcorn is using sweet yellow potato and purple sweet potato, and you can simply see the color difference on the popcorn. The color is so vibrant and really appealing to the eyes. The popcorn is really crunchy with a light sweet potato sugar coating on the outside. They are not too sweet and full of sweet potato flavor. If you are a big fan of sweet potato like us, you would definitely enjoy these popcorn. 
老實說,我真的吃不出來兩種顏色爆米花有什麼差別,我猜Magi Planet星球工坊應該只是想要凸顯他們使用了兩種不同的地瓜來製作,顏色看起來真的很療癒。
To be honest, I can't really tell the flavor difference between yellow and purple popcorn. They both taste like sweet potato to me, but I appreciate Magi Planet makes the effort to make a simple snack food so pretty and instagram picture worthy. 
Magi Planet星球工坊的雙色地瓜爆米花都裝得滿滿的,吃起來很乾爽,拿了手不會黏黏或油油的。
Magi Planet fills their packages quite full, almost all the way to the top, so you have to be careful opening the package. They are really light in flavor and doesn't leave oily residual on your fingers.  

1. 一定要輕。
2. 可以重複打開或密封。
3. 一定要脆脆而且可以一口接一口。
很好,Magi Planet星球工坊的雙色地瓜爆米花都符合以上條件!
Whenever we go on any trip, we always bring our own water, fruits, and snacks. By preparing ahead, we not only can stay within our diet, but can also save time and money on the road. 
這次帶上了Magi Planet星球工坊的雙色地瓜爆米花,我還特別帶了大袋的,結果回家的路上不到10分鐘,就被我們消滅了,我們喜歡Magi Planet星球工坊的爆米花吃起來不會有油膩的罪惡感,一口接一口,袋子留下來剛好當作車上的垃圾袋!
We brought a big bag of Magi Planet's Duo Color Sweet Potato Popcorn with us for our last family trip to the South Branch of National Palace Museum in Chiayi. The popcorn really comes in handy in the almost 2 hours car ride. Everyone enjoys it so much that we actually finished the whole bag within 10 mins. The resealable package become our trash bag of the day, super convenient. 
Magi Planet星球工坊也有很多不一樣的口味,從經典的焦糖、起士,到特別的玉米濃湯、奶茶、抹茶、巧克力等,真的有好多選擇,目前網站上還有很多不一樣的優惠活動,也歡迎大家Magi Planet 星球工坊爆米花官方網站享有專屬優惠,即日起至2019年7月31日24:00止,結帳輸入此序號NL2GVKCC,不限金額單筆結帳即可現折100元。
Magi Planet actually offers a lot of different flavors, including caramel, cheese, corn chowder, green tea, chocolate, etc. On their official website, they are currently running couple special promotion of different bundle options. And don't forget to utilize the coupon code "NL2GVKCC" during checkout for $100 NTD off of any order. (The code will be expired on midnight of July 31, 2019)
吃過了Magi Planet 星球工坊的雙色地瓜爆米花,真的會讓人想要試試看Magi Planet 星球工坊其他口味的爆米花,我們喜歡Magi Planet 星球工坊使用台灣在地的農產品來當作原料,少了不必要的添加物,也減輕了身體的負擔,即使偶爾偷吃零食,也不會有罪惡感,也讓Steve可以一年四季都可以吃得到屬於冬季的瓜瓜園台農57號黃金地瓜了!
別忘了利用以下優惠代碼到Magi Planet 星球工坊爆米花官方網站:「NL2GVKCC」,不限金額單筆結帳即可現折100元,即日起至2019年7月31日24:00止,把握時間喔!
Magi Planet's popcorn is quite additive, and we really would like to give other flavors a try. We appreciate brand like Magi Planet who would work with Taiwanese local farmers to create a alternative cleaner, healthier snack. The Duo Color Sweet Potato Popcorn is really light in flavor, not overly sweet, so you won't feel too guilty after having it. If you are a big popcorn fan like Steve and I, you should give Magi Planet's popcorn a try! (Don't forget to use our coupon code "NL2GVKCC" during checkout to get $100 NTD off on any purchase!)


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