Monday, June 17, 2019

為什麼要「羊膜穿刺」?[Lifestyle Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV




算平價,好像2500左右,只需要抽血和用超音波測量寶寶頸部後面的組織和皮膚之間的厚度來判別唐氏寶寶的機率,檢出率差不多85%,因為平價,所以通常醫生都會在第一孕期建議媽媽來做。 不考慮原因:檢出率只有85%,而且檢出結果好像也不是一定的,只能檢出偏正常或是偏不正常,看比例,錢都花了,還不能知道絕對的結果,所以不考慮。 

差不多24000,看到這個價錢,真的會有點手軟!但是檢出率很高,高達99%,只需要抽媽媽的血,就可檢測染色體相關的異常問題,10週以上就可以做檢測,可以很早知道結果,早一點確診。 不考慮原因:價錢有點高,而且如果檢測結果是有任何異常,還是要做羊膜穿刺確認(雖然通常羊膜穿刺的費用會由檢測公司負擔),這樣還不是要被戳兩次,算了。 

差不多9500,檢測率機會100%, 每一對染色體都會檢測,包括性染色體。羊膜穿刺是侵入性的檢測,有點是小手術,會有0.3%左右的感染風險,最嚴重會流產。 選擇原因:檢測率高且準確,雖然有感染的風險,但是至少比懷有唐氏寶寶的機率還要低! 

羊膜穿刺一開始聽起來真的很可怕,我也真的花了不少時間說服Steve。羊膜穿刺整個療程是由我的產科醫師親自處理,所以會需要安排特別的時間,也不會在一般產檢的地方,醫生一次安排幾位需要做羊膜穿刺的媽媽在同一個時間,我記得我去的時候有差不多7-8位媽媽,會需要填寫很多表格,因為是侵入性的檢測,所以醫院把這個療程當作小手術來看待,包括需要健保卡、身分證雙證件來核對身分,還要簽署療程的同意文件。 羊膜穿刺不需要禁食,所以抱著平常心就可以了,核對資料、批價付錢(自費,所以大部分醫院可以接受刷卡)之後,接下來就是等待咯!每一個媽媽都會有自己的手術包,用白色的紙包起來,裡面包括所以需要的東西,包括醫生消毒過的手套、針筒、包超音波感應器的透明塑膠袋等,看到什麼嚴謹把關,其實讓懷孕媽媽放心不少。 


P.S. 其實羊膜穿刺差不多10-15分鐘就結束了,真的很快,我們總共差不多在醫院待了差不多1個小時左右,最久應該就是前面的準備工作和等待時間,羊膜穿刺雖然針頭看起來很嚇人,但是真的不會很痛,比抽血還不痛(可能肚皮上的神經真的沒有那麼多!),只是抽羊水的過程中會有一點點小小的壓力(有點像是你想要打開真空瓶子的那種壓力),一下下就結束了,也沒有什麼流血。一結束,醫師馬上就請在外面等待的Steve進來,還很貼心的問我要不要和我的羊水照相,這是當然一定要的!我的羊水是淡淡的黃色,我看到每一個媽媽的羊水都不太一樣的黃色,有些媽媽的羊水顏色是比較深的黃色。真的不會很可怕,但是至少接受羊膜穿刺,孕媽媽比較不會想東想西,專心養胎比較重要。

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

在家輕鬆現打蔬果汁 Quick and Easy Green Smoothie @ V.G BOOM 綠拿鐵鮮凍包 Green Smoothie Frozen Pack (宅配飲品) [Foodie Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

有在關注我們Youtube頻道的,一定知道我們幾年前改變我們的飲食習慣,晚餐通常以蔬菜果汁為主(影片:What We Eat in A Day 我們一天吃了什麼?,以新鮮蔬菜為主的流質食物來代替一般食物,一開始可能會覺得沒有經過咀嚼的晚餐沒有滿足感,但是久而久之,我們反而喜歡上喝每天蔬菜果汁,也讓我們每天都可以吃到好多不同的蔬果。
習慣了每天準備當天晚上要打的食材,如果食材齊全,準備蔬菜果汁的時間其實很短,但是有時候難免會忘記補充冰箱的青菜、或是忘記提前把水果拿去冷凍、奇亞籽用完了還沒買之類的,每次遇到這些情況,都要趕快去附近的超市趕快採買,V. G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店把這些問題都解決了,讓我們可以用短短2分鐘就可以輕輕鬆鬆的把晚餐解決,要過健康生活不用有藉口!
We have been drinking green smoothies as weekday dinner for the past year, and it really has changed our body. We feel great after having it, and you definitely not going to have food coma from green smoothie. So that's why we are true believers for all the positive benefits from having green smoothie daily. It's quick and easy to whip up in our busy lifestyle. 
When we find V. G Boom green smoothie frozen package, we were so excited to have a chance to try it. V. G Boom makes the preparation so much easier, and you can simply have the green smoothie ready within 2 minutes! Hey.... with our baby boy on the way, I am not going to complain about saving some time. LOL


V.G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店

<Store Information>

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V. G Boom uses frozen delivery, and they are super helpful since the delivery company will call ahead of time to make sure you are home to receive the package. They won't just leave the frozen package on your front porch. 
We received 5 different smoothie pack from V. G Boom, these five are their signature green smoothie flavors from their V. G Boom store. All the locations are in Taipei region, but guess what, if you live out of Taipei region, you can always just order the frozen pack deliver to your house. Throw these frozen smoothie packs to your freezer, you literary brought the juice bar to your own home.
V.G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店附上簡單的使用方法,包括如何保存、食用步驟、注意事項、小叮嚀等。
V. G Boom frozen smoothie packs come with instruction manual. Even though they are all in Chinese, but the pictures are pretty self-explanatory. 
其實蔬果汁不被一般人來當作正餐往往是因為無法給予一般餐點的飽足感,V.G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店加入了植物性的大豆蛋白質,有了蛋白質,不但給予了飽足感,也可以讓食物慢慢消化,不會一下子又餓了。
Most people don't consider green smoothie as a proper meal, since it doesn't make people feel full or satisfied. V. G Boom adds a plant based protein into their green smoothie to boost the protein level, and we all know protein will take longer to digest and will keep the huger level down. 
所有的營養標示、成分、製造日期都標示的很清楚,讓人吃了也很安心,V.G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店也有在單獨販賣大豆胜肽群精華,詳細購買資訊可以至V.G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店的官網上面查看喔!
V. G Boom also sells their plant based protein individually, you can find more details on their website. 
晚餐所需材料:食物調理機&調理棒、V.G Boom 綠拿鐵鮮凍包、水或任何其他液體(這天我是用椰奶)、大豆胜肽群精華一包。
Dinner Ingredients: Food Processor, V. G Boom Green Smoothie Pack, Water or any other liquids (I used coconut milk here), V. G Boom Plant Based Protein Pack. 
所有V.G BOOM 綠拿鐵創始店的鮮凍包都印有製造日期,冷凍保存可以30天喔!
V. G Boom marks manufactured date on each smoothie pack, and each pack can be frozen up to 30 days.  
I like to take out the frozen smoothie pack from the freezer 5 minutes ahead of the time. With 2/3 cup of warm water and 1/3 cup of coconut milk, we are ready for the next step.
Finally, add in V. G Boom's plant based protein powder, and Steve's dinner is just one click away. I have my food processor set on the smoothie setting, and you might need some help from the food processor's tamper tool for the first 30 seconds. 
If you are really consider adding smoothies in your daily diet, you really need to invest in some good food processor. 
The smoothie just enough to fill up my 16 oz shaker. 
V. G Boom offers 5 different flavors of green smoothie, including orange, guava, kiwi, plantain, and seasonal fruit. Different ingredients have different nutrients. 
Orange flavor green smoothie has silky milky texture. The orange flavor is quite standout, and it really reminds me of the post workout shakes. Really tasty.

Since kiwi is a type of fruit that has more mild flavor, you have to taste it very carefully to notice it. Apple and pineapple give the smoothie a boost of fruity flavor. 

有了V.G BOOM 綠拿鐵鮮凍包,不用擔心少了這個那個,也不用買菜、洗菜、切水果、還要擔心份量或剩下過多食材的問題,從冰箱拿出來,晚餐真的一下子就好了,超級方便,營養又健康!
With the help from V. G Boom green smoothie pack, you really don't need to do grocery shopping anymore. V. G Boom delivers right to your door steps, and a meal is ready to go anytime. No shopping, no washing, no cutting, no blanching, no storing.... absolutely hassle free.
Guava flavor green smoothie taste like a vocation in Hawaii. Unfortunately, there is no guava in the US. When we first moved back to Taiwan, Steve absolutely fell in love with guava. The tropical flavor of this green smoothie really makes you forget about all the leafy greens that's in there. Definitely recommend this to everyone!

By far, the guava flavor is our favorite. 
隱藏版綠拿鐵 (季節水果 - 葡萄)=葡萄+4-6種新鮮有機葉菜+綜合堅果+蘋果+鳳梨+大豆胜肽群精華+水
有淡淡的葡萄酸味,堅果超多的,V.G BOOM 綠拿鐵鮮凍包總共包含6種特選堅果,包括葵花籽、南瓜籽、核桃、杏仁、腰果、葡萄乾,增加健康油脂的攝取,小小一杯頂多500c.c.的蔬果汁,因為沒有經過過濾,保留所有的膳食纖維,不但很有飽足感,也讓人喝完不會有吃完飯需要休息消化的感覺,反而神采奕奕!
The seasonal flavor green smoothie now is grape flavor. You can taste acidity in the drink, the texture of the drink is more like a juice. Keep in mind that we didn't filter our smoothie, so the drink contains all the healthy fiber and pulps.
It's so satisfying to squeeze out the ingredients from their frozen package. All the ingredients looks fresh and perfectly jam pack together. With nuts and seeds added into the smoothie, you can still get the healthy fat for your body. 
其實我們平常運動補充的高蛋白,我們都選擇植物性的,V.G BOOM 綠拿鐵創始店的大豆胜肽群精華也是植物性的高蛋白,小分子容易被人體吸收,沒有特別添加的味道,放入蔬菜果汁中,一點都沒有違和感。
V. G Boom's plant based protein is unflavored. You can add into any drink or even oatmeal. Having protein in the smoothie really keeps you fuller for longer period of time. 

Plantain Green Smoothie is quite green, beginner might find it a little intimated. Once you pass the color part, you don't even taste the leafy greens. The flavor is very mild, and plantain creates a nice silky texture for the drink. 

喝了V. G Boom 綠拿鐵之後,你一定會開始後悔曾經在外面買了那些號稱營養又健康的蔬果汁或現打果汁,因為你會發現真正新鮮食材、無添加所做出來的蔬菜果汁,是沒有那麼香、甜、可口的,反而是吃到食物的原味,而且最營養的蔬菜果汁,一定要現打並於半小時內食用完畢,放久了,真的就是糖水而已了,營養都流失了! 
V. G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店讓人不再幫健康生活找藉口,其實現代人食物取得很容易,很多不是營養過剩,不然就是蔬菜攝取太少而造成營養不均,V. G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店與在地小農合作,全部以無毒栽種,使用當季食材,食材新鮮處理,為了避免蟲卵殘留,蔬菜還有特別經過川燙處理,專業找到『3種主題水果+4-6種有機葉菜+6種綜合堅果+大豆胜肽』的完美比例,所有繁雜的前置工作都給V. G Boom 綠拿鐵創始店包辦了,省時又省力,吃的健康真的很容易!
You are going to be surprised by the taste of V. G Boom's green smoothie, they tastes like real food. They are not going to be as flavorful, sweet, or colorful as other store bought juices. So imagine how much additives, sugar, and artificial flavors added into those store bought drinks. We like to make our own green smoothie at home since we can drink it right away and make it whenever we want. 
V. G Boom really makes smoothie diet so easy. They work with local farmers for the fresh seasonal ingredients, and I appreciated the fact that they blanch all leafy greens to avoid bacteria. With the perfect combination of "3 fruits + 4-6 types of leafy greens + 6 variety of nuts and seeds + plant based protein", having a healthy lifestyle can be so easy.


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