Charlie Banana的布尿布可以讓寶貝一路從出生穿到3歲,也就是同一件尿布可以從新生兒穿到小孩學習不用穿尿布,使用上其實都很簡單也很方便,只是因為Tater是全母奶,大便一直到現在都還是稀稀的,有時候真的比較難洗感覺,尤其是有機棉的布尿布,更是難清洗,但是為了Tater 的健康,我完全不敢使用非天然的清潔劑,就在媽媽我兩難的時候,Baby Talk清潔系列出現了,真的拯救了我的布尿布,現在每次洗完都像新的一樣乾淨!
We started considering cloth diaper during my second trimester of the pregnancy. I have watched countless YouTube videos and articles reviewing the cloth diaper. I came across of the cloth diaper brand, Charlie Banana, and I fell in love with their cloth diaper after watching just one of their video. I love their designs, as well as their diapers can be worn from newborn to age of three.
To be honest, I don't mind washing the diaper. But since Tater is on breastmilk diet, his poop hasn't been in shape. The stain is so hard to wash off, and my hands got so dry from washing all these diapers. I was so thrilled to find out about Baby Talk Cleaning Products. I couldn't be more amazed by the outcome of using Baby Talk Detergent and Laundry Stain Remover. With no additive or fragrant, it's completely safe for our baby Tater.
小小家 LittlePals:Baby Talk 清潔系列
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Baby Talk 的清潔系列有分成兩種,一種是清洗蔬果、奶瓶的,另外一種是清洗嬰兒衣物的。小嬰兒的生理機能都還算嬌弱,Tater生活上會接觸到的東西,我一向都堅持盡量要天然、沒有螢光劑和塑化劑、不能有重金屬、香精等,市面上雖然有很多號稱特別給嬰兒的清潔用品,但是真的要讀清楚成分,而且很多產品因為少了化學添加物,清潔程度就差了很多,還好找到了Baby Talk 的清潔用品!

嬰兒洗衣精 蛋白酵素+防蟎 900ml
Baby Anti-Mite Detergent
$200 NTD
慕斯清潔液 500ml
Fruits/ Vegetable/ Bottle Wash
$300 NTD
慕斯清潔液(外出攜帶瓶) 80ml
Fruits/ Vegetable/ Bottle Wash (portable size)
$150 NTD
衣物去漬噴液 300ml
Laundry Stain Remover
$200 NTD
To parents who are considering using cloth diapers:
There are so many advantages of using cloth diapers, you can save money down the line and highly reduce the garbage waste. Especially with Charlie Banana's cloth diaper, you don't have to worry about buying different sizes, and it works just like a regular diaper. As long as you found a good cleaning product for it, you will not regret choosing cloth diapers.
Tater really likes water. Instead of using wet wipes, I usually rinse of his bottom with water. He loves it. I found it not only reduces the amount of garbage, but it also lower the risk of having diaper rash.
因為Tater喝全母奶,所以到現在3個月了,大便還是稀稀的,好事是Tater從來沒有便秘的問題,每天排便都很順暢,但是就是比較麻煩媽媽我,再找到Baby Talk之前,我還洗到差點富貴手,現在有了衣物去漬噴液和酵素洗衣精,真的輕鬆很多!
Step 1:
Rinse off the poop. It might be helpful to use your fingernails to scrape it off.
簡單搓揉一下,可以使用少許Baby Talk 蛋白酵素+防蟎 嬰兒洗衣精搓洗,用清水溜過。
Step 2:
Use a tiny amount of Baby Talk Anti-Mite Detergent to wash it, and use water to rinse it.
在髒污處噴上Baby Talk 衣物去漬噴液,靜置5-10分鐘。
Step 3:
Spray the Laundry Stain Remover on the dirty spot. Set aside for 5 to 10 minutes.
Baby Talk 衣物去漬噴液沒有任何特殊氣味,不嗆鼻,也沒有任何香味,不小心摸到也對皮膚沒有特別強烈的刺激,使用上很安全。
Baby Talk's Laundry Stain Remover is fragrant free, and it's also pretty safe if you touch it by accident.
Most of the dirt, including urine, milk, stool stain, sweat, etc., are protein based. Use of protease can effectively break down the dirt.
Step 4:
After 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse it off with clear water. I usually hang it up until I am ready to throw it in the laundry machine for the second wash.
每兩天,差不多累積到10件,我就會把全部丟洗衣機洗一次,我通常會放一些小蘇打粉,再放入Baby Talk 蛋白酵素+防蟎 無香精 嬰兒洗衣精,選擇浸泡的洗衣功能。
Step 5:
I wash it all together every 2 days. I usually add some baking soda along with Baby Talk's Anti-Mite Detergent, and I would choose the soak option on the washer.
Step 6:
Once it's dry, it's super clean, almost like it's brand new.
其實在使用Baby Talk 蛋白酵素+防蟎 嬰兒洗衣精及其他相關清潔用品前,我已經試過好多種品牌了,但是對我們家母乳胎便都沒有辦法洗得很乾淨,而且有別於其他品牌,Baby Talk擁有符合歐盟ECOCERT有機認證的「APG洗淨因子」,強力蛋白酵素能有效分解髒污,同時又不會造成環境的負擔,不只是洗淨能力強,還擁有防蟎的功能,真的是一舉兩得,沒有添加奇奇怪怪的化學添加物或香精,讓我們使用起來很放心!
To be honest, even though I love using my cloth diaper, but I have been having trouble getting it clean. I really tried to understand the fact that it's going to get some sort of stain over time, but it's just so hard for me to get it clean. I am so glad I found Baby Talk Anti-Mite Detergents and Baby Talk Laundry Stain Remover, it has totally changed all my washing diaper routine and made it so much easier. I was so surprised with the result without using any bleach. I even used it on one of my sweaters that has a stain that I can't wash off for years. Baby Talk also gives me a peace of mind to use it on Tater's clothes.
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Steve&Angela FunTV Youtube 頻道
Baby Talk 的清潔系列有分成兩種,一種是清洗蔬果、奶瓶的,另外一種是清洗嬰兒衣物的。小嬰兒的生理機能都還算嬌弱,Tater生活上會接觸到的東西,我一向都堅持盡量要天然、沒有螢光劑和塑化劑、不能有重金屬、香精等,市面上雖然有很多號稱特別給嬰兒的清潔用品,但是真的要讀清楚成分,而且很多產品因為少了化學添加物,清潔程度就差了很多,還好找到了Baby Talk 的清潔用品!
嬰兒洗衣精 蛋白酵素+防蟎 900ml
Baby Anti-Mite Detergent
$200 NTD
慕斯清潔液 500ml
Fruits/ Vegetable/ Bottle Wash
$300 NTD
慕斯清潔液(外出攜帶瓶) 80ml
Fruits/ Vegetable/ Bottle Wash (portable size)
$150 NTD
衣物去漬噴液 300ml
Laundry Stain Remover
$200 NTD
To parents who are considering using cloth diapers:
There are so many advantages of using cloth diapers, you can save money down the line and highly reduce the garbage waste. Especially with Charlie Banana's cloth diaper, you don't have to worry about buying different sizes, and it works just like a regular diaper. As long as you found a good cleaning product for it, you will not regret choosing cloth diapers.
Tater really likes water. Instead of using wet wipes, I usually rinse of his bottom with water. He loves it. I found it not only reduces the amount of garbage, but it also lower the risk of having diaper rash.
因為Tater喝全母奶,所以到現在3個月了,大便還是稀稀的,好事是Tater從來沒有便秘的問題,每天排便都很順暢,但是就是比較麻煩媽媽我,再找到Baby Talk之前,我還洗到差點富貴手,現在有了衣物去漬噴液和酵素洗衣精,真的輕鬆很多!
Step 1:
Rinse off the poop. It might be helpful to use your fingernails to scrape it off.
簡單搓揉一下,可以使用少許Baby Talk 蛋白酵素+防蟎 嬰兒洗衣精搓洗,用清水溜過。
Step 2:
Use a tiny amount of Baby Talk Anti-Mite Detergent to wash it, and use water to rinse it.
在髒污處噴上Baby Talk 衣物去漬噴液,靜置5-10分鐘。
Step 3:
Spray the Laundry Stain Remover on the dirty spot. Set aside for 5 to 10 minutes.
Baby Talk 衣物去漬噴液沒有任何特殊氣味,不嗆鼻,也沒有任何香味,不小心摸到也對皮膚沒有特別強烈的刺激,使用上很安全。
Baby Talk's Laundry Stain Remover is fragrant free, and it's also pretty safe if you touch it by accident.
Most of the dirt, including urine, milk, stool stain, sweat, etc., are protein based. Use of protease can effectively break down the dirt.
Step 4:
After 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse it off with clear water. I usually hang it up until I am ready to throw it in the laundry machine for the second wash.
每兩天,差不多累積到10件,我就會把全部丟洗衣機洗一次,我通常會放一些小蘇打粉,再放入Baby Talk 蛋白酵素+防蟎 無香精 嬰兒洗衣精,選擇浸泡的洗衣功能。
Step 5:
I wash it all together every 2 days. I usually add some baking soda along with Baby Talk's Anti-Mite Detergent, and I would choose the soak option on the washer.
Step 6:
Once it's dry, it's super clean, almost like it's brand new.
其實在使用Baby Talk 蛋白酵素+防蟎 嬰兒洗衣精及其他相關清潔用品前,我已經試過好多種品牌了,但是對我們家母乳胎便都沒有辦法洗得很乾淨,而且有別於其他品牌,Baby Talk擁有符合歐盟ECOCERT有機認證的「APG洗淨因子」,強力蛋白酵素能有效分解髒污,同時又不會造成環境的負擔,不只是洗淨能力強,還擁有防蟎的功能,真的是一舉兩得,沒有添加奇奇怪怪的化學添加物或香精,讓我們使用起來很放心!
To be honest, even though I love using my cloth diaper, but I have been having trouble getting it clean. I really tried to understand the fact that it's going to get some sort of stain over time, but it's just so hard for me to get it clean. I am so glad I found Baby Talk Anti-Mite Detergents and Baby Talk Laundry Stain Remover, it has totally changed all my washing diaper routine and made it so much easier. I was so surprised with the result without using any bleach. I even used it on one of my sweaters that has a stain that I can't wash off for years. Baby Talk also gives me a peace of mind to use it on Tater's clothes.
Please go "like" our Facebook fan page or follow us at our Instagram by using the following link.
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