Friday, October 4, 2019

體驗我的第一次「孕婦SPA」My first "Prenatal Massage" @ SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館(高雄全身護理) [Lifestyle Series] | Steve&Angela FunTV

其實我真的很幸運,整個孕期我都沒有任何發生在一般孕婦身上的不適,像是孕吐、便秘、抽筋、頭暈、腰酸背痛等,目前懷孕進入最後的第三孕期的我,其實都一直維持懷孕前的生活,挺著越來越大的肚子,一樣照常運動、工作、遊山玩水。雖然如此,自從懷孕後,我就沒有機會再去任何按摩了,孕期按摩真的要找專業可靠的,要不是SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館有專業的孕婦SPA,我也真的不敢輕易嘗試。
I believe I am one of the blessed ones that I have been feeling quite well ever since I got pregnant. We usually tried to fit a body massage in our schedule at least once every 1-2 months. Common sense tells you that you can't really get a regular massage while pregnant. I was so excited to get a prenatal massage during my pregnancy. 

地址:801 高雄市前金區五福三路63號7樓
電話:07-201 1967
營業時間:11AM-8PM (週日公休)
消費方式:現金/ 信用卡

<Store Information>
7th Floor, No. 63 Wufu 3rd Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City, 801
+886-7-201 1967
11AM-8PM (Closed on Sunday)
Facebook Fanpage:
Official Website:
Accepting Payments: 
Cash/ Credit Cards
There are many paid parkings nearby, and the Zhonghua Rd/ Wufu Rd Roundabout has many street parkings available as well. 

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SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館位於高雄大立、中央公園捷運站附近,準確來說,是在盤谷銀行的樓上7樓。附近假日可能比較難停車,但是中華五福圓環上有很多路邊車位,可以在那邊試試運氣。
SWISSPA is located right in downtown Kaohsiung, walking distance from Central Park subway station. It's also in the same building of Bangkok Bank. There should be plenty street parking available nearby.
一走出電梯就可以看到SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館的招牌咯!
Take the elevator directly to 7th floor, and you will be at the SWISSPA.
I love the modern, minimalistic style. The environment makes people feel more relaxed without all the miscellaneous items that you usually see at home.
一進門馬上就有專員招呼,因為SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館都是以預約制,所以即使我是第一次去,也可以馬上讓我感受到他們的熱情,除了馬上讓我坐下來休息一下並享用他們的溫溫香氣十足的花草茶以外,也讓我填寫基本資料以了解我的孕期狀況。
SWISSPA is based on reservation only, so all staff are fully prepared once you walk in. We were showed to our seat right away with a warm welcome and warm herbal tea. A simple survey was also given to me to fill out in order for them to get to know my body and condition more.

SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 除了提供SPA全身護理的服務之外,他們也有自己代理國外品牌,供客人選擇,也很積極回答任何產品問題,雖然如此,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館不會強迫推銷,這點對我很重要!
SWISSPA not only provides massage service, but they also offer a variety of different products. Their staff is enthusiastic to explain each products, but I like the fact that they won't force any sales on you.
填寫完問卷後,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 有專業人員會仔細資訊我的孕期狀況,包括我的身體狀況及個人喜好。
Since this is a prenatal massage, SWISSPA pays extra attention to my needs and details of my condition. They really give Steve and I a peace of mind by sharing the professional prenatal massage technique to us. 
SWISSPA staff asked us to change to their comfy indoor shoes. They also provide a changing/ refreshing room for people to get ready for the following massage. 
換洗間中,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 超級貼心,除了沖洗用的沐浴乳和洗髮乳以外,還有提供乳液和卸妝用品等。
In the changing room, SWISSPA provides all toiletries you would need, including shampoo, shower gel, lotion, makeup remover, etc. Super thoughtful. 
In the changing room, SWISSPA provides a locker room space for each client with clean towels and robe for you to use. 
You can also jump in a quick shower before your massage. So you don't have to worry about booking a massage after a long exhausting day at work.
The changing room is very spacious with plenty of lounge chairs. I can totally stay here all day long and take pictures. 
Time for my prenatal massage. 
SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 讓每一個客人都享有獨立的私人空間,大部分的房間都是一張床,但也有兩張床一個房間的,夫妻、姊妹閨蜜等也可以一起來,一邊按摩一邊聊天。
SWISSPA provides individual rooms for each massage client. It's quiet and also provides a private space for people.
最讓我意外的是,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 的孕婦SPA是從腳開始,有別於其他大部分從背部開始按摩下去的普通按摩方式,主要是因為可以加強孕婦的循環,藉由按摩舒壓,把血循環回到心臟。
I am very intrigued to SWISSPA massage techniques, they started the prenatal massage from my legs and work their way up. Compared with all previous massage experiences that I've had prior pregnancy, they all started with the back area first. The masseur explained to me it could encourage the blood flow by working its way up. 
孕婦都知道,孕期中精油的選擇很重要,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 也有貼心挑選適合孕婦的精油,味道淡淡的,不嗆鼻,藉由芳療師的手溫,讓我感覺到精油的滋潤,在皮膚上真的很舒服。
All pregnant women knows there are certain essential oils that need to avoid during the pregnancy. The oil SWISSPA chose smells really good, and I like the fact that they heat up their massage oil before applying on my body. 
SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 用毛巾折疊成長條狀,大部分的按摩時間都讓孕婦可以舒服的側躺,只有最後按摩頭皮的時候才需要短暫的正躺,即使正躺,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 也於大腿下墊幾條毛巾,減緩孕婦背部的不適,真的幫客人想得很周到。
Getting into the third trimester, it's getting harder to find a comfortable spot to sleep on. SWISSPA folds the towels into a long pillow for me to comfortably lay on my side for my an hour long prenatal massage. It's very thoughtful they actually thought of this. 
SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 的孕婦SPA手法以輕柔推拿為主,會避開不能按摩的穴位,主要是要讓孕婦的肌肉可以達到放鬆,減少懷孕中後期水腫的症狀。
The massage techniques is more gentle than regular massage and avoid all pressure points. SWISSPA just want to improve the circulation and decrease the swollen problems in legs area. 
The 60 mins prenatal massage includes a head to toe rub down. You don't need to worry about feeling any pain or discomfort since the masseur avoid all pressure points. You might feel a little soreness, but all tolerable. 
With my belly getting bigger by days, I found myself always resting my hands on my belly. Lol
The whole massage experience is quite relaxing. You can leave the massaging oil on your body, so it can slowly absorb into your skin. 
看看我一臉滿足放鬆的神情,僅僅一小時的孕婦SPA,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 按摩師的輕微細膩的按摩手法,再加上室內精油水氧的淡淡香氣,真的讓人可以達到完全放鬆!
I look so relaxed after the massage. Steve and I particularly like the smells and the atmosphere at SWISSPA.
謝謝Steve特別陪我和寶寶來按摩,很積極的幫我照相,雖然他沒有按摩到,但是他也很喜歡SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 的氛圍,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 不只有專業孕婦SPA,也有提供其他身體護理、全臉護膚、頭皮等課程給非孕婦,甚至男性都是他們的服務範圍,下次可以帶媽媽和Steve來做臉一下。
Special thanks to my hubby/ photographer, Steve,as he accompanied me to this prenatal massage. SWISSPA also provides other massage service for men and non-pregnant women, including body, facial, or even scalp massages. It should be fun to bring my mom and Steve next time.
不知道為什麼,可能新陳代謝變好了,按摩完總會覺得特別有胃口,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 有特別幫客人準備簡單的茶點,他們也很貼心幫我的貼心攝影師Steve準備了一份,超好的!
I always get hungry after a massage. SWISSPA prepares a set of snacks for us to enjoy afterward. Nothing better than a cup of warm herbal tea with fresh fruits. 
懷孕期間,我都不太敢吃太冰的東西,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 提供的茶點,除了新鮮水果以外,花草茶和紅棗白木耳都是溫溫的,吃起來很舒服,尤其是紅棗白木耳,不會太甜,又有植物性膠質,好吃!

其實SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 的孕婦SPA和我預期有一點差距,因為和以往我們接觸到的按摩真的不一樣,SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館的孕婦按摩手法以舒服的精油來肌肉推拿為主,比較不會針對穴位,輕柔的手法,讓孕婦的肌肉可以達到完全放鬆,尤其是肩頸和下背部的肌肉,完全不用擔心因為痛而帶來的不必要的宮縮。按摩會代謝肌肉內的乳糖,所以隔天我有特別感覺部分肌肉微微酸酸的感覺。SWISSPA 高雄旗艦會館 不只有提供舒服的按摩手法,我們更是喜歡他們提供的舒服環境,並可以針對不同客人來做課程的調整,在短短一小時的按摩時間,讓孕婦可以達到身心靈的舒壓!每一個孕婦都有一次享有折扣體驗價的機會,懷孕16週之後的媽咪,可以去試試看喔!
To be honest, SWISSPA's prenatal massage is nothing like how I expected. Instead of focusing on pressure points, they use a more gentle approach to relax the muscles. Even with regular workout routines, SWISSPA's masseur really covers all the spots that I don't really pay attention before. With the customized massage and the relaxing atmosphere, we really enjoy the whole experience. By the way, every pregnant women have a chance to enjoy this 60 mins prenatal massage with a special discounted price, so go make your reservation now!!

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